Multimedia, Training & Educational Development Projects :
Some of the services I provide are:
• Video / Audio production, editing and format conversion to Internet, CD, DVD, and embeded within applications for online help or user interfaces.
• Preparation of detailed training materials, and presenting them in visual, text, graphical and audio formats for a variety of media
• Documentation of systems, software, or processes
• Producing simulations of any process, software, or scenario using interactive multimedia
• Animated graphics and soundtracks for presentations or general purposes.
When I produce a video presentation for a client, if time allows, I first produce a rapid 24-hour turn-around prototype. This allows myself and the client to fine-tune any ideas and make final adjustments before the majority of time is invested into the final product. The example below is one such prototype.
I can also create E-learning media for CD, DVD, and Web streams to educate and train your target audience. The following excerpts are from an E-learning series I created to provide training for E-commerce and Internet sales.